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Vincent Veilleux


- AMPP (the new Nace)
- Bachelor Degree in Business Administration

Vincent, a visionary entrepreneur and environmental advocate that joined Corro-Protec's team in 2017. He fervently believes in the untapped potential of our planet - a potential that he sees being wasted by our prevalent culture of disposable goods and planned obsolescence. He is an advocate for sustainability, efficiency, and longevity in our everyday appliances. His passion lies in fostering a culture of innovation and consciousness about our environmental footprint.

One of Vincent's pioneering contributions to this cause is the development of an innovative product: the water heater powered anode rod. This seemingly simple device can substantially extend the life of a water heater, turning a typically short-lived appliance into a much more durable, cost-effective, and eco-friendly unit.

Anode rods are essential parts of water heaters, serving as sacrificial elements that protect the tank from the corrosive effects of heated water. However, standard anode rods can deplete over time, leading to reduced protection and a shorter lifespan for the water heater. Vincent's solution to this problem is a powered anode rod. Unlike passive rods, these powered rods provide consistent, long-lasting protection without ever depleting, greatly extending the life of the heater.

This innovative product dovetails neatly with Vincent's broader mission of reducing wastage and extending the lifespan of everyday appliances. It's an example of a simple but effective solution that can have a major impact on our consumption patterns and environmental footprint.

Vincent's work reminds us all that we can do better on our planet. He stands as a testament to the power of innovative thinking and the importance of sustainable living, demonstrating that we don't necessarily need to sacrifice convenience or affordability to live in a more environmentally conscious way. His water heater powered anode rod is just one example of how creative, sustainable solutions can be found to everyday problems - solutions that benefit both the consumer and the planet.

By embodying a forward-thinking and environmentally conscious ethos in his work, Vincent is leading the way towards a more sustainable future and inspiring others to consider how they can also contribute to preserving and enhancing our planet.

Articles and Implications

- AGAÉ, Member of the Board of Directors

- Winner of the MMCQ 2022 Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award

- Winner of the Manufacturing Company of the Year award at the 2023 Panthéon

- Espace Inc entrepreneurs

- CQI Balado - Selling on Amazon

Vincent Veilleux

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¿Tienes alguna pregunta?

Esta sección contiene todas las preguntas frecuentes sobre calentadores de agua y el ánodo eléctrico.

Varilla de ánodo residencial

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Ánodo para casas rodantes

Nuestras barras de ánodo para casas rodantes se adaptan a todos los calentadores de agua en RV’s Suburban. Disfruta del poder de nuestra protección permanente contra la corrosión y mucho más.

Ánodo comercial

Nuestro ánodo comercial con conexión eléctrica está diseñado para proteger de forma permanente a calentadores de agua de más de 90 galones. No se requiere mantenimiento.