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Sulfur Smell In Hot Water? Here’s How To Fix It.

December 5, 2018
Image of a person taking a shower with sulfur smell smell in the hot water. The person is shampooing their hair.

Sulfur Smell In Hot Water is a Widespread Issue

A common problem many homeowners face is the sulfur smell in hot water. This issue, which often presents itself as a rotten egg odor, is a frequent concern for plumbing and water treatment companies.

Many individuals and families find it challenging and unpleasant to deal with water that smells like rotten eggs. Ever had guest telling you : folks, your hot water smells like sulfur! This article is for you.

The sulfur smell can create a variety of problems for those living in the house. It can disrupt your comfort at home, affect the taste of your drinking water, and even become a topic of conversation when guests are around. Thankfully, there are proven ways to get rid of this sulfur smell in water, and we’re here to guide you through it.

Understanding The Causes of Sulfur Smell In Hot Water

Firstly, it’s important to understand what causes this sulfur smell in your water. If the rotten egg odor is present only when you run the hot water, it’s usually a result of the presence of sulphate-reducing bacteria (also known as sulfur bacteria or SRB) in your hot water heater tank.

These bacteria thrive in hot, low-oxygen environments and can multiply rapidly, leading to increased levels of hydrogen sulfide gas in your water, which is responsible for the sulfur smell. On the other hand, it could be due to a chemical reaction between your hot water and the magnesium anode rod in your hot water heater.

If you’re noticing the sulfur smell in both your hot and cold water, this typically indicates a problem with your water supply. In this case, it’s likely due to hydrogen sulfide gas present in your underground water supply. Unfortunately, this problem is the most expensive to fix, as it requires professional water tests and the installation of water treatment systems.

Stop Reading, Start Living: Eliminate Sulfur Smell Right Now!

Does your water smell like rotten eggs? This is likely because of a gas called hydrogen sulfide in your water heater. Using a special stick called a Corro-Protec anode rod can quickly get rid of this smell. These rods last a long time, even longer than your heater. So, you can save money and time with Corro-Protec. Say goodbye to bad smells and extra costs.

Approaching The Rotten Egg Smell in Your Water: Solutions and Strategies

One proven strategy to remove the sulfur smell in hot water is to target the sulphate-reducing bacteria. These bacteria usually live in low-oxygen environments, which are common in water heaters, deep wells, and your home’s plumbing system.

Temporary Solution

A temporary but effective solution is to undertake a concentrated chlorination treatment. This process involves adding a certain amount of chlorine bleach to your well and circulating the water through all your water systems, thereby get rid of the bacteria that produce the hydrogen sulfide gas. However, keep in mind that this solution is temporary, and the odors could return within a few months.

Does rising water heater temperature works?

As for temperature, like all living organisms, SRBs do have an optimal temperature range for growth. Typically, these bacteria tend to thrive in moderate temperatures, with the most active growth often occurring around 30°C (86°F). When the temperature rises significantly above this, it can indeed inhibit the growth of the bacteria and potentially kill them.

However, simply raising the temperature might not be a viable solution to eliminate the smell or the bacteria in a water heater, for example. It’s important to remember that raising the temperature too much can pose a scalding risk, and not all bacteria may be killed at the same temperature. Additionally, once the temperature drops, remaining bacteria can multiply again, which could lead to the smell returning.

Permanent Solution

A more permanent solution involves the use of a Corro-Protec Powered Anode. Installed directly in your hot water heater, the Corro-Protec anode creates an environment that is hostile to sulphate-reducing bacteria, thereby eliminating the sulfur smell in just 24 hours. This anode is designed to last for 20 years, ensuring that your hot water remains odor-free for years to come.

“Our house was having the sulfur smell in our hot water for some time after putting in a new hot water heater 9 months prior. After several attempts to shock our water and asking around for suggestions, we took to the internet and found Corro-Protec on a YouTube demonstration.

Best $$ we have ever spent. Anode rod was easy to install and the smell was 90% gone immediately. Was completely gone by my morning shower so I was happy!!!”

Laura P.
United States

Managing Water Heater Reactions and the Sulfur Smell

Every hot water heater is equipped with a magnesium anode rod, which serves to reduce corrosion within the tank. In some cases, a chemical reaction can occur between the hot water and the magnesium anode rod, particularly if your water supply has high levels of magnesium. This reaction can contribute to the sulfur smell.

Several potential solutions are available if your home’s water supply has developed a rotten egg odor due to this reaction. You could completely remove the water heater anode rod from your water, but this leaves your water heater unprotected against rust, potentially reducing its lifespan significantly.

An alternative is to replace the magnesium anode with an aluminum anode, which doesn’t react with the water in the same way, thus preventing the odor from occurring. However, as the aluminum anode dissolves over time, it can leave debris in your water heater that could potentially clog your faucets.

The best solution in this situation is to install a powered anode. Made from insoluble titanium, these anodes drastically reduce the amount of debris left in your water heater. They also require no maintenance and can last for several years, providing a long-lasting solution to your water odor problems.

Water Filters, Carbon Filters, Water Softeners, and Other Measures

If you’ve installed a water filter or a water softener in your home, you might be wondering why they’re not effective in dealing with the sulfur smell. The reality is, while water softeners and carbon filters are excellent for improving the taste of your drinking water and reducing certain contaminants, they won’t solve the sulfur smell problem.

However, using a water filter or carbon filter can help improve the overall quality of your water and make it more palatable. They can also extend the life of your water heater by reducing the amount of sediment that makes its way into the tank. But when it comes to the rotten egg odor, the Corro-Protec anode is the most effective solution available.

Final word

To sum up, if your water smells like rotten eggs, the most likely causes are the presence of sulphate-reducing bacteria or a reaction between your water and the magnesium anode rod in your hot water heater. By installing a Corro-Protec anode, you can create an environment that prevents these bacteria from thriving and stop the chemical reactions that lead to the sulfur smell, thereby ensuring your hot water remains fresh and odor-free for years to come.

Representation of Corro-Protec powered titanium anode rod
Representation of Corro-Protec powered titanium anode rod
Representation of Corro-Protec powered titanium anode rod
Representation of Corro-Protec powered titanium anode rod
Representation of Corro-Protec powered titanium anode rod

Experiencing foul smell in your hot water?

If you are experiencing smelly water in your home, it is often due to the production of hydrogen sulfide gas in your water heater. This is commonly linked to the electrolysis process occurring within the tank and can be effectively mitigated by installing the right kind of anode rod.

Corro-Protec technology alters the electrolysis process and reduces the production of hydrogen sulfide gas, the primary cause of the “rotten egg” smell in water.

Corro-Protec anodes also have a very long lifespan, potentially outlasting the water heater itself, which can save money and time on maintenance and replacements.

See how Corro-Protec anode can stop sulfur smell in your hot water.


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