10 Ways to Save Water at Home

Reducing the amount of water you use at home is not only better for the environment but also better for your pockets. Learn 10 ways to save water right here.
Most people in the United States will never have to worry about running out of drinking water. The world has the same amount of water now as it always has. Water is a constantly renewing resource, cycling through different stages of usage, evaporation, precipitation, and more.
However, there are now more people on this planet than ever before. That means more water being used for agricultural purposes as well as human consumption. We may not run out of the water, but that doesn’t mean we’ll always have enough to go around.
Keep reading for our top 10 ways to save water, as well as the many reasons why you should.
The Benefits of Saving Water
Just because you personally never have to worry about a lack of water, it doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from cutting back on your consumption. Remember, your actions have a ripple effect on the rest of the planet. Each gallon of water you save can have a significant impact on the environment and in other people’s lives.
Save Energy
Did you know that finding ways to conserve water at home can save energy? But how? After all, water and power are two different things.
Most people don’t think about it, but every ounce of water you use at home has to be filtered, treated, and redispersed through water companies. This process requires a lot of energy and money. The more water you use, the more resources are used to treat it for recycling.
This also applies to the use of hot water. Every time you drain your hot water tank, it has to refill and reheat.
Save Money
On a more personal note, incorporating our 10 ways to save water can save you a lot of money each year on your water bill. The average water bill in America is $70 a month, based on each person consuming 80 to 100 gallons of water a day. If you could cut your water usage in half (which is easier than you might think), you could save over $400 each year.
Prevent Droughts and Water Shortages
As noted above, the earth naturally recycles water. However, that doesn’t mean it gets replaced in the same place or the same amount as to where it came from. Using less water limits or vulnerability to water shortages and droughts, especially in dryer climates like California, Nevada, Utah, etc.
Water is vital for growing crops, both to feed humans and to support animal agriculture.
10 Ways to Save Water
Looking at the vast oceans, rivers, and lakes may lead you to believe that there’s plenty of water in the world for everyone. However, only 3% of the world’s water is freshwater and the vast majority of it is unavailable, in the form of icebergs and glaciers. That only leaves us with access to 0.5% of earth’s water.
Fortunately, following these 10 ways to save water can significantly reduce your consumption and prevent large-scale complications down the road.
1. Take Shorter Showers
The average shower is around eight minutes long. With an average of 2.5 gallons of water used per minute, that’s roughly 20 gallons of water per person, per day.
We know the hot water feels great in the morning, but don’t use your shower as a time to relax and slowly wake up. Taking shorter showers can significantly reduce your total daily water consumption.
Practice being more efficient in the shower. Time yourself and try to cut your total time in half. You can also reduce energy usage by turning down the temperature on your water heater.
2. Use Energy and Water-Efficient Products and Appliances
Learning how to save water at home may mean automating the process. Take out the probability of human error by using only energy-efficient products and appliances. All of our appliances impact the environment.
However, there are WaterSense products that are independently certified to meet EPA water efficiency standards. To meet these standards, the products must use a minimum of 20% less water. While it may not sound like a lot, 20% over the course of the year on each water-related appliance could result in hundreds, if not thousands of gallons of water saved.
You can find WaterSense products for:
- Toilets
- Faucets
- Showerheads
- Sinks
- Urinals
- And more
Low flow products like these use aeration to mix water with oxygen to give you adequate coverage and water pressure without wasting excessive amounts of water. There are also Energy Star appliances that significantly reduce the amount of electricity and water used for various applications around the home. These include dishwashers and washing machines.
3. Put Tap Water in the Fridge
Assuming you don’t use the fridge or a cooler for drinking water, you probably use the kitchen sink. However, when we do this, we often let the tap run for a bit to ensure we’re getting cold water. If you fill up a glass of water several times a day, this can lead to a lot of wasted water.
Instead, fill up a jug or pitcher of water from the tap and put it in the fridge. The fridge will keep the water cold, which will make it more enjoyable to drink. However, now you don’t have to waste a few gallons of water a day waiting for the tap to run cold.
4. Don’t Leave the Tap Running
Speaking of the tap, turning it off while brushing your teeth or washing your hands is one of the top 10 ways to save water. Think about how long it takes you to brush your teeth in the morning. Hopefully, it takes you at least 30 seconds to a minute.
Instead of letting the water run the entire time you’re brushing, turn it off while you’re not using it. Only turn it back on for rinsing out the toothbrush. Similarly, you should focus on turning the faucet off while washing your hands, rather than letting it run the whole time.
5. Learn How to Water Your Yard or Garden More Efficiently
Most homeowners take a lot of pride in their homes and yards. They want a nice green patch of heaven in their backyard. There’s nothing wrong with this, but it does demand a lot of water, especially in hot, dry climates.
For example, on a hot sunny day, a lawn can require up to 125 gallons of water per 1,000 square feet. However, water waste is often exacerbated by homeowners forgetting about running water on the lawn or garden.
We recommend using water-efficient sprinklers that can be automated or placed on a timer.
6. Only Run Full Loads Through the Dishwasher and Washing Machine
When using your dishwasher or washing machine, you should only run full loads of dishes or clothes. Otherwise, you’re using the same amount of water to clean fewer items. This is imperative, whether you have an Energy Star appliance or not.
If you want a specific article of clothing that’s dirty, find something else to wear. If you need a particular dish, do a quick handwash, rather than running a full dishwasher cycle.
7. Fix Any Leaking Pipes, Faucets, and Spigots
One of the most important tips in our top 10 ways to save water is to repair or replace any leaking fixtures or pipes. This is important for multiple reasons.
First, a leaking faucet, sink, or spigot can waste several gallons of water a day. Second, a leaking pipe or appliance could lead to severe water damage or even harmful mold buildup.
8. Collect Rain Water for Non-Potable Water Usage
Another great way to save water is by using your gutter system to collect drums of rainwater. While this won’t be potable (drinkable) water, it can be used for things like watering the lawn, garden, and indoor plants.
Depending on your location, you could collect hundreds of gallons of water each year with this method.
9. Turn of the Hose Between Rinses While Washing Your Car
People who work hard for the nice things in their lives often take a lot of pride in their possessions. This doesn’t make them materialistic, it just means they know how to show appreciation for what they have. For example, people love having clean and shiny cars.
However, instead of letting the hose run while you wash your car, try turning off the spigot in between rinses. While this may add a little time to your routine, it can save dozens of gallons of water each wash.
10. Use Pool and Hot Tub Covers
Finally, if you’re lucky enough to own a hot tub or pool, make sure you’re using their covers while they’re not in use. Otherwise, the water will evaporate off the top. An uncovered pool can lose two to four inches of water per week.
Using the cover will save you tons of money and thousands of gallons of water each year.
Looking to Reduce Your Water Consumption?
What can one person do to save the world? How can you alone make an impact by using our top 10 ways to save water?
The truth is, you alone won’t make a huge impact. However, you must remember that you’re not the only one making an effort. The more people who join the ranks to preserve water, the more profound the result will be.
Spread the word. Talk to people about reducing their water consumption.
A single candle flame in a dark room can make a huge difference. Imagine what would happen when those around you start lighting their candles. Suddenly, the world becomes a lot brighter.
We can help you get started. Our Corro-Protec Anode will decrease limescale buildup, which reduces water pressure and increases water consumption.

Saving water reaps big benefits
Reducing the amount of water you use at home is not only better for the environment but also better for your pockets.
Remember, your actions have a ripple effect on the rest of the planet. Each gallon of water you save can have a significant impact on the environment and in other people’s lives.
We can help you get started. Our Corro-Protec Anode will decrease limescale buildup, which reduces water pressure and increases water consumption.
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